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Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. academic advising program
Part of the University of Minnesota College of Liberal Arts

MLK program


The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Program is both an academic advising community and a social justice education community.


Situated in the College of Liberal Arts (CLA) at the University of Minnesota–Twin Cities and with all CLA undergraduates eligible to join, the MLK Program specializes in serving students who identify as Black, Indigenous, or students of color.

President's Emerging Scholars program


President’s Emerging Scholars (PES) is a comprehensive collection of programs and services that support high-achieving first-generation and low-income college students in their pursuit of a bachelor's degree at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities.


PES students who engage meaningfully with the program’s expectations receive a $1,000 scholarship in their first and last year at the University. Participants have access to individualized advising and mentoring, scholarships set aside exclusively for PES students, as well as courses and events to aid in making life-long friends and building the 21st-century skills needed for college and post-college success.

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